The fellowship of NEKASHI

*record scratch* Yep, that’s me. When I decided to give at least a month for people to setup their trustline and get to know the token, I did not expect for it to take off overnight.

NEKASHI recently had a bit of exposure on Twitter, allowing us to build a good number of trustlines and reaching 1300 followers.

We are less than a month away for the airdrop and already have 25K trustlines, with some of them being trustlines farmers (very irritating, I know – trust me.). Also, a couple millions NEKASHI were offered in a giveaway on Twitter and someone managed to sell a few of theirs. We now have a valuation on XUMM, giving NEKASHI a market capitalization of around 6500 USD when I’m writing this post.

A community is very important for a token, at least as important as proper tokenomics.
This is why we have a Discord, this is where I will look and hire for talents. Feedbacks are very important for me and the bigger the community is, the better the feedback I can get. I would encourage everyone reading this to join us on the Discord! (and also Twitter if you can).

Also, NEKASHI is getting a few messages from crypto influencers regarding promoting the token. I’m very thankful for their offers and that they consider promoting NEKASHI but as stated in the litepaper I took the decision from the start to not go this way. I want an organic growth and want to avoid anything that can be interpreted as a “pump and dump“. Slow and steady wins the space race.

The capitalization of the dev wallet is dedicated to hire people for the NEKASHI development. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any marketing efforts, just not like that. I prefer to pay someone to develop a use case than to pay someone to promote to their 100K followers. In the long run, the first option will benefits more to NEKASHI.

And don’t forget, join the Discord.

About Neko Saeba

NEKASHI CEO (Cat Executive Officer.)
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